The Hong Kong College of Community Medicine (HKCCM) was incorporated in 1991. It aims to enhance and improve the quality of health care in Hong Kong; to provide medical professional training, continuing medical education in community medicine; to act as an advisory body in community medicine; and to promote a high standard of professional ethics and conduct among practitioners in community medicine.
HKCCM has established three subspecialties which are recognised by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM). The subspecialty of Administrative Medicine was recognised by HKAM in October 1999. The subspecialties of Public Health Medicine and Occupational Medicine (now called “Occupational and Environmental Medicine”) were recognised in December 2000.
Administrative Medicine (AM) aims to improve the health status of the population through the practice of evidence-based medicine and health services management. The principles of clinical medicine, evidence-based medicine, social and behavioural science, theories of management and health economics, as well as public health, are practised and applied to develop and operate health care systems which provide medical care of a high standard.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) aims to promote and maintain the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations. This can be accomplished through the prevention of hazards to health caused by working conditions, the protection from risks resulting from other factors adverse to health in their employment, and the placing and maintenance of the worker in an occupational environment adapted to his physiological and psychological ability. In this sub-specialty, knowledge and skills of occupational hygiene, toxicology, epidemiology, clinical medicine, public health and management are applied together to achieve the ultimate goal of promoting the health of workers and that of the population at large.
Public Health Medicine (PHM) aims to advance the health of population. In this subspecialty, epidemiological principles and methods are applied to describe and define public health problems, as well as to formulate and evaluate health programmes and policies to prevent and control health problems and to promote the health of the population. This approach aims to achieve significant improvements in the health of whole communities as much as individuals. This subspecialty also aims to advance the health of population through the effective and efficient management of the health care services and resources.
Firm links have also been established with international specialist organizations including the UK Faculty of Public Health (for PHM training), the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (for OEM training) and the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators (for AM training). Conjoint examinations are held with some of these international organizations. Through such collaborations, the standard of professional training and examinations in the respective subspecialties is maintained and is in keeping with international developments.
The HKCCM confers subspecialty fellowship on trainees who have passed all the examinations prescribed for that subspecialty. The four Specialties of “Community Medicine”, “Administrative Medicine”, “Public Health Medicine” and “Occupational and Environmental Medicine” under the Specialist Register of the Medical Council of Hong Kong comprise fellows of HKCCM and its subspecialties. Many of the College's fellows also occupy key positions in the Hong Kong health care system.